Section 1
X12 Utility Model C1D0U497 64 bit Model C1D0N497 32 bit Standard License Copyright (c)1992-2014 Com1 Software Development Com1 Software, Inc. P.O. Box 482 Hudson, Ohio 44236 (330) 653-3771 Website: Email: IMPORTANT NOTICE This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program or any portion of it may result in severe civil or criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted under the maximum extent possible under the law. This program and all support programs and documents are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including and not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Com1 Software, Inc. or Com1 Software Development be liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this program, support programs or documentation. All prices and other information is subject to change without notice. This program and support documents are for trial and demonstration purposes. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
Section 2
BASIC CONCEPT The X12 Utility allows a users to display and print the contents of standard ANSI X12 837,277,276,835,864, and 997 files in a user friendly format. 270 Eligibility Inquiry 271 Eligibility Response 837 Health Care Claims 276 Claim Status Inquiry 277 Claim Status 835 Remittance Advice 997 Functional Acknowledgement 864 Informational Report Data is displayed in context sensitive screens relative to their transaction set. Data can be exported to a file using a CSV or XML. 837p Health Care Claims can be printed on CMS-1500 Forms. 837 Health Care Claims can be converted into 276 Claims Status Inquries for submission. Claims software of the users choice can be run from within the X12 Utility. The X12 file created by the claims software is detected and can processed by the X12 Utility. 837 Health Care Claims and 835 Remittances can be scanned into a database. FEATURES - HIPAA Compliant X12 Versions 5010 and 4010 - View or Print Listings of Claims - View or Print Data Sheet of Individual Claims - View or Print Listings of Remittance - View or Print Data Sheet of Remittance - View or Print Functional Acknowledgements - View or Print X12 Data in segmented lines - Load 997 transactions on top of 837 claims transactions for Line Level Identificartion of error information. - Tracks X12 837 files and their associated X12 responses. - Creates 276 Claim Status Inquiry from an 837 file. - Export X12 files to CSV or XML. SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Requires a Microsoft Windows Operating System.
Section 3
The X12 Utility can be used in two basic ways. The first use for the X12 Utility is as a file reader that can format and export x12 files into other formats like XML or CSV. The second use for the X12 Utility is as an analytic and tracking tool for your x12 files. 837 and 835 X12 files in a directory can be scanned into the X12 Utilities database. Once your x12 files have been scanned you can locate claims by patient/subscriber name or by claim number. A listing of totals by date can be generated as well as an export to CSV of the database. - - - - The X12 Utility will handle transactions that it recognizes automatically and displays the data for that format in a manner that is appropriate for that individual transaction type. The supported transaction types are: 270 Eligibility Inquiry 271 Eligibility Response 837 Health Care Claims 276 Claim Status Inquiry 277 Claim Status 835 Remittance Advice 997 Functional Acknowledgement 864 Informational Report Data can also be displayed and printed in a formatted raw data dump of the x12 transaction it self. A file can be loaded into the X12 Utility either by: - Selecting the file through the menu of the program. Once a particular file has been loaded by the Utility, it will display the appropriate screen for the transaction set. If a file contains multiple X12 batches within it, that is to say that there are multiple ISA's within a single file, the X12 Utility will ask the user, which batch to select. If a batch contains multiple transaction sets or groups, the user will be asked which set they wish to view. - 837 Health Care Claim When an 837 Health Care Claim file is loaded into the Utility, the View X12 837 selection screen is displayed. Data within the transaction set is displayed using the name of the subscriber, the amount of the claim, and the ID of the subscriber. Within this screen the user has the option selecting one of the claims within the list for additional detail, listing the data to a printer, viewing the data in segment form, and loading a 997 on top of the already loaded 837 file. The Listing button will preview before print a listing that is similar to that of the View X12 837 screen. The Select button is used to select the highlighted claim in the claim list. Once selected, the Claim Data screen is displayed. This screen will display, in a dynamic list, any supported claim elements that it can detect and identify. Print a form of this screen and Exits are options. Data detail displayed in this screen are the Subscriber, Patient demographic information, Claim Totals, Referring and Rendering Physician Data, and Individual Service line Data. Once a 997 has been loaded on top of its appropriate 837, the View Data can be used to look at the data in a segment format with any errors in the 837 being identified by a * or ** to the left of the segments data,indicating an error in association with that particular line. - - - - To use the X12 Utility to help you track and locate claims data. Click on the SCAN button and the 837 and 835 X12 files in the specified directory and will be read and indexed into the X12 Utilities database. Once the process of scanning has been completed, you can go to Locate and search for claims by either subscriber using last name, first name middle initial or by claim ID. Partial searches work with locate by subscriber name. The claim can be selected for viewing in formated fashion as well as by raw data segments. - - - - To create a custom map for the fields you would like to export, load the x12 file that you will be mapping to into the viewing portion of the utility. Once the data has been displayed there will be an EXPORT button available on the screen. Select the EXPORT, and then select export type. The export screen will be displayed with a basic list of available fields for export. When you hit the SAVE button a mapping configuration file is created. The type of X12 file you are working with will determine the name of the configuration file. C1837I.XML Institutional 837 C1837P.XML Professional 837 C1837D.XML Dental 837 C1835.XML Remittance 835 These configuration files can be modified using notepad.
Section 4
CMS-1500 Form Location to Mapping Field and 837P Segment/Element Form Locator Carrier Information Block Loop 2010BB PAYERNAME - NM103 PAYERADDR1 - N301 PAYERADDR2 - N302 PAYERCITY - N401 PAYERSTATE - N402 PAYERZIP - N403 Form Locator 1 - Health Insurance Coverage Claim Filing Inicator Loop 200B SUBCLMTYPECODE -SBR09 Form Locator 1a - Insured's I.D. Number Loop 2010BA SUBID - NM109 Form Locator 2 - Patient's Name Loop 2010CA, 2010BA PATLNAME - NM103 PATFNAME - NM104 PATMI - NM105 - NM107 Form Locator 3 - Patient's Birthdate,Sex Loop 2010CA, 2010BA PATDOB - DMG02 PATSEX - DMG03 Form Locator 4 - Insured's Name Loop 2010BA SUBLNAME - NM103 SUBFNAME - NM104 SUBMI - NM105 - NM107 Form Locator 5 - Patient's Address Loop 2010CA PATADDR1 - N301 N401 N402 N403 Form Locator 6 - Patient's Relationship to Insured Loop 2000B,2000C SUBREL - SBR02 PATREL - PAT01 Form Locator 7 - Insured's Address Loop 2010BA SUBADDR1 - N301 N401 N402 N403 Form Locator 8 - Patient Status Form Locator 9 - Other Insured's Name Loop 2330A SUBLNAME - NM103 SUBFNAME - NM104 SUBMI - NM105 - NM107 9a - Other Insured's Policy or Group Number Loop 2320 SBR03 9b - Other Insured's Date of Birth SUBDOB - DMG02 SUBSEX - DMG03 9c - Employers Name or School Name Loop 2320 9d - Insured's plan or program name SBR04 Form Locator 10 - Is Patient's Condition Related to: Loop 2300 10a- Employment Field RELATEDCAUSECODE = EM CLM11 10b- Auto Accident Field RELATEDCAUSECODE = AA CLM11 10c- Other Field RELATEDCAUSECODE = OA CLM11 10d- Local Use Form Locator 11 - Insured's Policy Group or FECA Number Loop 2000B SBR03 11a- Insured's Date of Birth Loop 2010BA SUBDOB - DMG02 SUBSEX - DMG03 11b- Employer's Name or School Name REF01 REF02 11c Insured's plan name or program name SBR04 11d- Is there another health benefit plan? Yes if Loop 2320 Present Form Locator 12 Patient's or Authorized Person's Signature CLM09 Form Locator 13 Insured's or Authorized Person's Signature CLM08 Form Locator 14 Date of Onset DTP03 Form Locator 15 Other Date DTP03 Form Locator 16 Dates patient unable to work in current occupation. DTP03 Form Locator 17 Name of referring physician Fields REFLNAME,REFFNAME,REFMI NM103 NM104 NM105 NM107 Form Locator 17a I.D. number of referring physician REF02 Form Locator 17b NPI Number Field REFID NM109 Form Locator 18 Hospitalization dates related to current services DTP03 Form Locator 19 Reserved for local use NTE PWK Form Locator 20 Outside Lab Charges PS102 Form Locator 21 Diagnosis or nature of illness Fields DX1,DX2,DX3,DX4 HI01-2 HI02-2 HI03-2 HI03-2 Form Locator 22 Medicaid resubmission code CLM05-3 Claim Frequency Code REF02 Claim Control Number Form Locator 23 Prior authorization number REF02 Form Locator 24A Date(s) of service Fields MM_DD_YY_DOSF1 - 99 MM_DD_YY_DOST1 - 99 DTP03 Form Locator 24B Place of service Fields POSCODE1 - 99 CLM05-1 SV105 Form Locator 24C EMG TOSCODE1 - 99 SV109 Form Locator 24D Procedures, services, or supplies Field PROC1 - 99 SV101 2-6 Form Locator 24E Diagnosis Pointer Field DXLINK1 - 99 SV107 1-4 Form Locator 24F Charges Fields AMT1 - 99 SV102 Form Locator 24G Days or units Fields UNITS1 - 99 SV104 Form Locator 24H EPSDT family plan SV111 SV112 Form Locator 24I ID Qualifier PRV02 REF01 Form Locator 24J Rendering Provider ID Loop 2310B and 2420A NM109 Form Locator 25 Federal tax I.D. number Loop 2010AA Field HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERIDCODE=34 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERIDCODE=24 REF02 Form Locator 26 Patient's account number Loop 2300 Field CLAIMID CLM01 Form Locator 27 Accept assignment Loop 2300 CLM07 Form Locator 28 Total charges Loop 2300 Field CLAIMAMT CLM02 Form Locator 29 Amount paid Loop 2300,2320 AMT02 Form Locator 30 Balance due Form Locator 31 Signature credentials Loop 2300 CLM06 Form Locator 32 Name and address of facility where services were rendered Loop 2310C Fields FACILITYNAME FACILITYADDR1 FACILITYCITY FACILITYSTATE FACILITYZIP SERVICELOCATIONNAME SERVICELOCATIONADDR1 SERVICELOCATIONCITY SERVICELOCATIONSTATE SERVICELOCATIONZIP NM103 N301 N401 N402 N403 Form Locator 33 Physician's, supplier's billing name, address, zip code and telephone number Loop 2010AA Fields HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERNAME HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERADDR1 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERCITY HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERST HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERZIP HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERID HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERIDTYPE = National Provider ID HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERSECONDARYIDCODE HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERSECONDARYID NM103 NM104 NM105 NM107 N301 N401 N402 N403
Section 5
CMS-1470 Form Location to Mapping Field and 837I Segment/Element Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 2 - Form Locator 3 - Form Locator 4 - Form Locator 5 - Form Locator 6 - Form Locator 7 - Form Locator 8 - Form Locator 9 - Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 10 - Form Locator 11 - Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 12 - Form Locator 13 - Form Locator 14 - Form Locator 15 - Form Locator 16 - Form Locator 17 - Form Locator 18 - Form Locator 19 - Form Locator 20 - Form Locator 21 - Form Locator 22 - Form Locator 23 - Form Locator 24 - Form Locator 25 - Form Locator 26 - Form Locator 27 - Form Locator 28 - Form Locator 29 - Form Locator 30 - Form Locator 31 - Form Locator 32 - Form Locator 33 - Form Locator 34 - Form Locator 35 - Form Locator 36 - Form Locator 37 - Form Locator 38 - Form Locator 39 - Form Locator 40 - Form Locator 41 - Form Locator 42 - Form Locator 43 - Form Locator 44 - Form Locator 45 - Form Locator 46 - Form Locator 47 - Form Locator 48 - Form Locator 49 - Form Locator 50 - Form Locator 51 - Form Locator 52 - Form Locator 53 - Form Locator 54 - Form Locator 55 - Form Locator 56 - Form Locator 57 - Form Locator 58 - Form Locator 59 - Form Locator 60 - Form Locator 61 - Form Locator 62 - Form Locator 63 - Form Locator 64 - Form Locator 65 - Form Locator 66 - Form Locator 67 - Form Locator 68 - Form Locator 69 - Form Locator 70 - Form Locator 71 - Form Locator 72 - Form Locator 73 - Form Locator 74 - Form Locator 75 - Form Locator 76 - Form Locator 77 - Form Locator 78 - Form Locator 79 - Form Locator 80 - Form Locator 81 - Form Locator 82 - Form Locator 83 - Form Locator 84 - Form Locator 85 -
Section 6
ADA Form Location to Mapping Field and 837D Segment/Element Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 2 - Form Locator 3 - Form Locator 4 - Form Locator 5 - Form Locator 6 - Form Locator 7 - Form Locator 8 - Form Locator 9 - Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 10 - Form Locator 11 - Form Locator 1 - Form Locator 12 - Form Locator 13 - Form Locator 14 - Form Locator 15 - Form Locator 16 - Form Locator 17 - Form Locator 18 - Form Locator 19 - Form Locator 20 - Form Locator 21 - Form Locator 22 - Form Locator 23 - Form Locator 24 - Form Locator 25 - Form Locator 26 - Form Locator 27 - Form Locator 28 - Form Locator 29 - Form Locator 30 - Form Locator 31 - Form Locator 32 - Form Locator 33 - Form Locator 34 - Form Locator 35 - Form Locator 36 - Form Locator 37 - Form Locator 38 - Form Locator 39 - Form Locator 40 - Form Locator 41 - Form Locator 42 - Form Locator 43 - Form Locator 44 - Form Locator 45 - Form Locator 46 - Form Locator 47 - Form Locator 48 - Form Locator 49 - Form Locator 50 - Form Locator 51 - Form Locator 52 - Form Locator 53 - Form Locator 54 - Form Locator 55 - Form Locator 56 -
Section 7
This is a list of the fields supported for mapping and are stored in an XML file called: C1837I.XML for Institutional C1837P.XML for Professional C1837D.XML for Dental Field names are placed inside the field tags of the xml. Example :CLAIMID CLAIMAMTDDDDDD_CC CLAIMAMT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CLAIMID Claim ID Location : CLM Segment, Element 1 CLAIMAMTDDDDDD_CC Claim Amount Location : CLM Segment, Element 2 CLAIMAMT Claim Amount Location : CLM Segment, Element 2 CLEARINGIDNUMBER Clearing Service ID Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier D9 MULTICLAIMTOTAL Multi Claim Total Amount Location : CLM Segment, Element 2 ICNDCN Internal Document Number Document Control Number Location : REF Segment, Element 3 Qualifier F8 TAXONOMYCODE Taxonomy Code Location : PRV Segment, Element 4 Qualifier PE EMPLOYERIDNUM Employer Identification Number Location : REF Segment, Element 3 Qualifier EI PRIORAUTHORIZATIONNUMBER Prior Authorization Number Location : REF Segment, Element 3 Qualifier G1 ORDERDATE Order Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 938 INITIALTREATMENTDATE Initial Treatment Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 454 REFERRALDATE Referral Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 330 DATELASTSEEN Date last Seen Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 304 ONSETOFILLNESDATE Onset of Current Symptoms or Illness Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 431 ACUTEMANIFESTATIONDATE Acute Manifestation of a Chronic Condition Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 453 SIMILARILLNESSONSETDATE Onset of Similar Symptoms or Illness Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 438 ACCIDENTDATE Accident Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 439 LMPDATE Last Menstrual Period Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 484 LASTXRAYDATE Last X-Ray Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 455 ESTIMATEDDATEOFBIRTH Estimated Date of Birth Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier ABC HEARINGVISIONPRESCRIPTIONDATE Hearing and Vision Prescription Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 471 DISABILITYBEGINDATE Disability Begin Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 360 DISABILITYENDDATE Disability End Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 361 DATELASTWORKED Date Last Worked Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 297 RETURNTOWORKDATE Return to Work Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 296 ASSUMEDCAREDATE Assumed Care Start Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 090 RELINQUISHEDCAREDATE Relinquished Care End Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 091 PROVSIGNATUREONFILE Provider Signature Location : CLM Segment, Element 6 PROVACCEPTASSIGNMENTCODE Provider Assignment Location : CLM Segment, Element 7 BENEFITINDICATOR Benefit Indicator Location : CLM Segment, Element 8 RELEASEOFINFORMATION Release of Information Location : CLM Segment, Element 9 RELATEDCAUSECODE Related Cause Location : CLM Segment, Element 11 RELATEDCAUSE Related Cause Location : CLM Segment, Element 11 DISCHARGEHOUR Discharge Hour Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 069 DISCHARGEDATE Discharge Date Location : CR6 Segment, Element 5 STATEMENTDATE Statement Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 434 ADMISSIONDATETIME Addmission Date Time Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 435 ADMISSIONTYPECODE Addmission Type Code Location : CL1 Segment, Element 1 Qualifier 435 ADMISSIONTYPE Addmission Type Location : CL1 Segment, Element 1 Qualifier 435 ADMISSIONSOURCECODE Addmission Source Code Location : CL1 Segment, Element 2 ADMISSIONSOURCE Addmission Source Location : CL1 Segment, Element 2 PATIENTSTATUSCODE Patient Status Code Location : CL1 Segment, Element 3 PATIENTSTATUS Patient Status Location : CL1 Segment, Element 3 MEDICALRECORDNUMBER Medical Record Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier EA PATIENTAMOUNTPAID Patient Amount Paid Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier F5 TOTALPURCHASEDSERVICEAMOUNT Total Purchased Service Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier NE PAYERPRIORPAY Payer Prior Pay Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier C4 CLAIMNOTEADD Claim Note Additional Information Location : NTE Segment, Element 2 Qualifier ADD CLAIMNOTECER Claim Note Certification Narrative Location : NTE Segment, Element 2 Qualifier CER CLAIMNOTEDCP Claim Note Goals /Discharge Plan Location : NTE Segment, Element 2 Qualifier DCP CLAIMNOTEDGN Claim Note Diagnosis Description Location : NTE Segment, Element 2 Qualifier DGN CLAIMNOTEPMT Claim Note Payment Location : NTE Segment, Element 2 Qualifier PMT CLAIMNOTETPO Claim Note Third party Org Location : NTE Segment, Element 2 Qualifier TPO OISUBORDER Other Insurance Subscriber Order Location : NM1 Segment, Element 1 OISUBID Other Insurance Subscriber ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier IL OISUBLNAME Other Insurance Subscriber Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier IL OISUBFNAME Other Insurance Subscriber First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier IL OISUBMI Other Insurance Subscriber Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Qualifier IL OIPAYERADDR1 Other Insurance Subscriber Address 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 OIPAYERADDR2 Other Insurance Subscriber Address 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 OIPAYERCITY Other Insurance Subscriber City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 OIPAYERSTATE Other Insurance Subscriber State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 OIPAYERZIP Other Insurance Subscriber Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 OIPAYERID Other Insurance Payer ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier PR OIPAYERNAME Other Insurance Payer Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier PR SEGMENTNOTE Segment Note Location : DMG Segment, Element 3 POSDESC Place of Service Description Location : CLM Segment, Element 6 FACILITYCODEVALUE Facility Code Value Location : CLM Segment, Element 6 FREQUENCYTYPECODE Frequency Type Code Location : CLM Segment, Element 6 POSCODE Place of Service Description Location : CLM Segment, Element 6 K3DATA K3 Data Location : K3 Segment, Element 1 NDCCODE National Drug Code Location : LIN Segment, Element 3 Qualifier N4 NDCUNITPRICE NDC Drug Unit Price Location : CTP Segment, Element 3 NDCUNITS NDC Units Location : CTP Segment, Element 4 TYPEOFBILL Type of Bill Location : CLM Segment, Element 6 FREQUENCYCODE Frequency Type Code Location : CLM Segment, Element 6 PRINCIPALDX Principle Diagnosis Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BK ADMITDX Admitting Diagnosis Location : HI Segment, Element 2 Qualifier BJ ECODE Vital Statistics E-Code Location : HI Segment, Element 3 Qualifier BN DRG DRG Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier DR OTHERDX01 thru OTHERDX12 Other Diagnosis 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BF OTHERDXA01 thru OTHERDXY12 Other Diagnosis 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BF PRINCIPLEPROCDATE Principle Procedure Date Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BP,BR PRINCIPLEPROC Principle Procedure Date Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BP,BR OTHERPROC01 thru OTHERPROC12 Other Procedures 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BO,BQ OTHERPROCA01 thru OTHERPROCY12 Other Procedures 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BO,BQ OCCURRENCESPAN01 thru OCCURRENCESPAN12 Occurance Span 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BI OCCURRENCESPANA01 thru OCCURRENCESPANY12 Occurance Span 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BI OCCURRENCECODE01 thru OCCURRENCECODE12 Occurance Code 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BH OCCURRENCECODEA01 thru OCCURRENCECODEY12 Occurance Code 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BH OCCURRENCEDATE01 thru OCCURRENCEDATE12 Occurance Date 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BH OCCURRENCEDATEA01 thru OCCURRENCEDATEY12 Occurance Date 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BH VALUECODE01 thru VALUECODE12 Value Codes 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BE VALUECODEA01 thru VALUECODEY12 Value Codes 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BE VALUEAMOUNT01 thru VALUEAMOUNT12 Value Amounts 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BE VALUEAMOUNTA01 thru VALUEAMOUNTY12 Value Amounts 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BE VALUEQTY01 thru VALUEQTY12 Value Quantity 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BE VALUEQTYA01 thru VALUEQTYY12 Value Quantity 1 thru 12 Multi segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BE CONDITIONCODE01 thru CONDITIONCODE12 Condition Codes 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BG CONDITIONCODEA01 thru CONDITIONCODEY12 Condition Codes 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BG CONDITIONDATE01 thru CONDITIONDATE12 Condition Dates 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BG CONDITIONDATEA01 thru CONDITIONDATEY12 Condition Dates 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier BG TREATMENTCODE01 thru TREATMENTCODE12 Treatment Codes 1 thru 12 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier TC TREATMENTCODEA01 thru TREATMENTCODEY12 Treatment Codes 1 thru 12 Multi Segment Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Qualifier TC SUBCLMTYPECODE Subscriber Claim Type Location : SBR Segment, Element 9 SUBCLMTYPE Subscriber Claim Type Location : SBR Segment, Element 9 SUBID Subscriber ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier IL SUBLNAME Subscriber Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier IL SUBFNAME Subscriber First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier IL SUBMI Subscriber Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Qualifier IL SUBADDR1 Subscriber Address 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 SUBADDR2 Subscriber Address 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 SUBCITY Subscriber City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 SUBST Subscriber State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 SUBZIP Subscriber Zip Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 SUBDOB Subscriber Date of Birth Location : DMG Segment, Element 2 SUBNAMEPREFIX Subscriber Prefix Location : NM1 Segment, Element 6 Qualifier IL SUBNAMESUFIX Subscriber Suffix Location : NM1 Segment, Element 6 Qualifier IL SUBMSTATUS Subscriber Prefix Location : DMG Segment, Element 4 SUBORDER Subscriber Coverage Order Location : SBR Segment, Element 1 SUBREL Subscriber Relationship to Patient Location : SBR Segment, Element 2 SUBGROUPNAME Subscriber Group Name Location : SBR Segment, Element 3 SUBSEX Subscriber Gender Location : DMG Segment, Element 3 PROPERYCASUALTYCLAIMNUMBER Added Property Casuality Claim Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier Y4 PAYERID Payer ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier PR PAYERNAME Payer Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier PR PAYERADDR1 Payer Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 PAYERADDR2 Payer Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 PAYERCITY Payer City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 PAYERSTATE Payer State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 PAYERZIP Payer Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 PATLNAME Patient Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier QC PATFNAME Patient First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier QC PATMI Patient Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Qualifier QC PATADDR1 Patient Address 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 PATADDR2 Patient Address 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 PATCITY Patient City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 PATST Patient State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 PATZIP Patient Zip Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 PATDOB Patient Date of Birth Location : DMG Segment, Element 2 PATSEX Patient Gender Location : DMG Segment, Element 3 PATREL Patient Relationship to Subscriber Location : PAT Segment, Element 2 PATSIGNATURESOURCE Patient Signature Source Location : CLM Segment, Element 10 REFLNAME Referring Provider Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier DN REFFNAME Referring Provider First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier DN REFID Referring Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier DN REFIDTYPE Referring Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier DN REFSECONDARYID Referring Provider Secondary ID Location : REF Segment, Element 3 REFSECONDARYIDCODE Referring Provider Secondary ID Code Location : REF Segment, Element 2 ATTENDLNAME Attending Provider Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 71 ATTENDFNAME Attending Provider First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier 71 ATTENDID Attending Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 71 ATTENDSECONDARYID Attending Provider Secondary ID Location : REF Segment, Element 2 ATTENDSECONDARYIDCODE Attending Provider Secondary ID Code Location : REF Segment, Element 1 OPERATELNAME Operating Provider Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 72 OPERATEFNAME Operating Provider First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier 72 OPERATEID Operating Provider Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 72 OPERATESECONDARYID Operating Provider Secondary ID Location : REF Segment, Element 2 OPERATESECONDARYIDCODE Operating Provider Secondary ID Code Location : REF Segment, Element 1 RENLNAME Rendering Provider Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 82 RENFNAME Rendering Provider First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier 82 RENIDTYPECODE Rendering Provider ID Type Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 82 RENIDTYPE Rendering Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 82 RENID Rendering Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 82 FACILITYNAME Facility Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier FA FACILITYADDR1 Facility Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 FACILITYADDR2 Facility Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 FACILITYCITY Facility City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 FACILITYST Facility State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 FACILITYZIP Facility Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 FACILITYIDTYPE Facility ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier FA FACILITYIDCODE Facility ID Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier FA FACILITYID Facility ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier FA FACILITYSECONDARYIDTYPE Facility Secondary ID Type Location : REF Segment, Element 1 FACILITYSECONDARYIDCODE Facility Secondary ID CODE Location : REF Segment, Element 1 FACILITYSECONDARYID Facility Secondary ID Type Location : REF Segment, Element 2 SERVICELOCATIONNAME Service Location Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 77 SERVICELOCATIONADDR1 Service Localtion Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 SERVICELOCATIONADDR2 Service Localtion Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 SERVICELOCATIONCITY Service Localtion City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 SERVICELOCATIONST Service Localtion State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 SERVICELOCATIONZIP Service Localtion Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 4 SERVICELOCATIONID Service Location Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 77 ILABNAME Independent LAB Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier LI ILABADDR1 Independent LAB Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 ILABADDR2 Independent LAB Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 ILABCITY Independent LAB City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 ILABST Independent LAB State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 ILABZIP Independent LAB Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 ILABID Independent LAB Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier LI TLABNAME Testing LAB Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier TL TLABADDR1 Testing LAB Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 TLABADDR2 Testing LAB Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 TLABCITY Testing LAB City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 TLABST Testing LAB State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 TLABZIP Testing LAB Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 TLABID Independent LAB Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier TL DX1_XX Diagnosis Code 1 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 1 DX2_XX Diagnosis Code 2 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 2 DX3_XX Diagnosis Code 3 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 3 DX4_XX Diagnosis Code 4 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 4 DX5_XX Diagnosis Code 5 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 5 DX1 Diagnosis Code 1 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 1 DX2 Diagnosis Code 2 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 2 DX3 Diagnosis Code 3 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 3 DX4 Diagnosis Code 4 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 4 DX5 Diagnosis Code 5 Location : HI Segment, Element 1 Sub Element 5 MEDICALRECORDNUMBER Medical Record Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier EA CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERNAME Claim Billing Provider Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 85 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERADDR1 Claim Billing Provider Address 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERADDR2 Claim Billing Provider Address 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERCITY Claim Billing Provider City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERST Claim Billing Provider State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERZIP Claim Billing Provider Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERIDTYPE Claim Billing Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 85 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERIDCODE Claim Billing Provider ID Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 85 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERID Claim Billing Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 85 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERSECONDARYIDTYPE Claim Billing Provider Secondary ID Type Location : REF Segment, Element 1 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERSECONDARYIDCODE Claim Billing Provider Secondary ID Code Location : REF Segment, Element 1 CLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERSECONDARYID Claim Billing Provider Secondary ID Location : REF Segment, Element 2 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERNAME Claim Pay to Provider Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 87 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERADDR1 Claim Pay to Provider Address 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERADDR2 Claim Pay to Provider Address 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERCITY Claim Pay to Provider City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERST Claim Pay to Provider State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERZIP Claim Pay to Provider Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERIDTYPE Claim Pay to Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 87 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERIDCODE Claim Pay to Provider ID Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 87 CLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERID Claim Pay to Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 87 ADJUDDATE Claim Ajudication Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 573 IADJUDIDn Line Claim Ajudication ID Location : SVD Segment, Element 1 Qualifier 573 n=1 to 999 IADJUDAMTn Line Claim Ajudication Amount Location : SVD Segment, Element 2 n=1 to 999 IADJUDDATEn Line Claim Ajudication Date Location : DTP Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 573 n=1 to 999 PRIMARYGROUPID Primary Subscriber Group ID Location : SBR Segment, Element 2 Qualifier P PRIMARYGROUPNAME Primary Subscriber Group Name Location : SBR Segment, Element 3 Qualifier P PRIMARYSUBID Primary Subscriber ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier IL PRIMARYSUBLNAME Primary Subscriber Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier IL PRIMARYSUBFNAME Primary Subscriber First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier IL PRIMARYSUBMI Primary Subscriber Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Qualifier IL PRIMARYSUBADDR1 Primary Subscriber Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 PRIMARYSUBADDR2 Primary Subscriber Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 PRIMARYSUBCITY Primary Subscriber City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 PRIMARYSUBSTATE Primary Subscriber State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 PRIMARYSUBZIP Primary Subscriber Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 PRIMARYSUBDOB Primary Subscriber Date of Birth Location : DMG Segment, Element 2 PRIMARYSUBSEX Primary Subscriber Gender Location : DMG Segment, Element 3 PRIMARYPAYERNAME Primary Payer Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier PR PRIMARYPAYERADDR1 Primary Payer Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 PRIMARYPAYERADDR2 Primary Payer Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 PRIMARYPAYERCITY Primary Payer City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 PRIMARYPAYERSTATE Primary Payer State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 PRIMARYPAYERZIP Primary Payer Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 PRIMARYPAYERID Primary Payer ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier PR SECONDARYGROUPID Secondary Subscriber Group ID Location : SBR Segment, Element 2 Qualifier S SECONDARYGROUPNAME Secondary Subscriber Group Name Location : SBR Segment, Element 3 Qualifier S SECONDARYSUBID Secondary Subscriber ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier IL SECONDARYSUBLNAME Secondary Subscriber Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier IL SECONDARYSUBFNAME Secondary Subscriber First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier IL SECONDARYSUBMI Secondary Subscriber Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Qualifier IL SECONDARYSUBADDR1 Secondary Subscriber Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 SECONDARYSUBADDR2 Secondary Subscriber Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 SECONDARYSUBCITY Secondary Subscriber City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 SECONDARYSUBSTATE Secondary Subscriber State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 SECONDARYSUBZIP Secondary Subscriber Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 SECONDARYSUBDOB Secondary Subscriber Date of Birth Location : DMG Segment, Element 2 SECONDARYSUBSEX Secondary Subscriber Gender Location : DMG Segment, Element 3 SECONDARYPAYERNAME Secondary Payer Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier PR SECONDARYPAYERADDR1 Secondary Payer Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 SECONDARYPAYERADDR2 Secondary Payer Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 SECONDARYPAYERCITY Secondary Payer City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 SECONDARYPAYERSTATE Secondary Payer State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 SECONDARYPAYERZIP Secondary Payer Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 SECONDARYPAYERID Secondary Payer ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier PR TERTIARYGROUPID Tertiary Subscriber Group ID Location : SBR Segment, Element 2 Qualifier T TERTIARYGROUPNAME Tertiary Subscriber Group Name Location : SBR Segment, Element 3 Qualifier T TERTIARYSUBID Tertiary Subscriber ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier IL TERTIARYSUBLNAME Tertiary Subscriber Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier IL TERTIARYSUBFNAME Tertiary Subscriber First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Qualifier IL TERTIARYSUBMI Tertiary Subscriber Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Qualifier IL TERTIARYSUBADDR1 Tertiary Subscriber Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 TERTIARYSUBADDR2 Tertiary Subscriber Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 TERTIARYSUBCITY Tertiary Subscriber City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 TERTIARYSUBSTATE Tertiary Subscriber State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 TERTIARYSUBZIP Tertiary Subscriber Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 TERTIARYSUBDOB Tertiary Subscriber Date of Birth Location : DMG Segment, Element 2 TERTIARYSUBSEX Tertiary Subscriber Gender Location : DMG Segment, Element 3 TERTIARYPAYERNAME Tertiary Payer Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier PR TERTIARYPAYERADDR1 Tertiary Payer Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 TERTIARYPAYERADDR2 Tertiary Payer Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 TERTIARYPAYERCITY Tertiary Payer City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 TERTIARYPAYERSTATE Tertiary Payer State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 TERTIARYPAYERZIP Tertiary Payer Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 TERTIARYPAYERID Tertiary Payer ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier PR HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERNAME Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 85 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERADDR1 Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERADDR2 Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERCITY Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERST Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERZIP Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERIDTYPE Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 85 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERIDCODE Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider ID Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 HIERARCHIALCLAIMBILLINGPROVIDERID Hierarchial Claim Billing Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERNAME Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 87 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERADDR1 Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERADDR2 Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERCITY Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERST Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERZIP Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERIDTYPE Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 87 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERIDCODE Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider ID Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 87 HIERARCHIALCLAIMPAYTOPROVIDERID Hierarchial Claim Pay to Provider Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 87 TSCONTROLNUMBER Batch Conrol Number Location : ST Segment, Element 2 BHTREFID BHT Segment Reference Identification Location : BHT Segment, Element 4 SUBMITTERNAME Submitter Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 41 SUBMITTERADDR1 Submitter Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 SUBMITTERADDR2 Submitter Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 SUBMITTERCITY Submitter City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 SUBMITTERST Submitter State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 SUBMITTERZIP Submitter Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 SUBMITTERCONTACT Submitter Contact Location : PER Segment, Element 2 SUBMITTERID Submitter ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 41 SUBMITTERCONTACT Submitter ID Location : PER Segment, Element 3 SUBMITTERCOMMQUALA Submitter ID Location : PER Segment, Element 4 SUBMITTERCOMMNUMBERA Submitter ID Location : PER Segment, Element 5 SUBMITTERCOMMQUALB Submitter ID Location : PER Segment, Element 6 SUBMITTERCOMMNUMBERB Submitter ID Location : PER Segment, Element 7 SUBMITTERCOMMQUALC Submitter ID Location : PER Segment, Element 8 SUBMITTERCOMMNUMBERC Submitter ID Location : PER Segment, Element 9 RECEIVERID Receiver Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 41 RECEIVERNAME Receiver Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 40 RECEIVERADDITIONALNAME Receiver Additional Name Location : N2 Segment, Element 1 RECEIVERADDR1 Receiver Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 RECEIVERADDR2 Receiver Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 RECEIVERCITY Receiver Address City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 RECEIVERST Receiver Address State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 RECEIVERZIP Receiver Address Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 BILLINGPROVIDERNAME Billing Provider Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 85 BILLINGPROVIDERADDR1 Billing Provider Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 BILLINGPROVIDERADDR2 Billing Provider Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 BILLINGPROVIDERCITY Billing Provider City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 BILLINGPROVIDERST Billing Provider State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 BILLINGPROVIDERZIP Billing Provider Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 BILLINGPROVIDERIDTYPE Billing Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 85 BILLINGPROVIDERIDCODE Billing Provider ID Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 85 BILLINGPROVIDERID Billing Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 85 BILLINGPROVIDERCONTACT BILLINGPROVIDER ID Location : PER Segment, Element 3 BILLINGPROVIDERCOMMQUALA BILLINGPROVIDER ID Location : PER Segment, Element 4 BILLINGPROVIDERCOMMNUMBERA BILLINGPROVIDER ID Location : PER Segment, Element 5 BILLINGPROVIDERCOMMQUALB BILLINGPROVIDER ID Location : PER Segment, Element 6 BILLINGPROVIDERCOMMNUMBERB BILLINGPROVIDER ID Location : PER Segment, Element 7 BILLINGPROVIDERCOMMQUALC BILLINGPROVIDER ID Location : PER Segment, Element 8 BILLINGPROVIDERCOMMNUMBERC BILLINGPROVIDER ID Location : PER Segment, Element 9 PAYTOPROVIDERNAME Pay to Provider Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Qualifier 87 PAYTOPROVIDERADDR1 Pay to Provider Address Line 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 PAYTOPROVIDERADDR2 Pay to Provider Address Line 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 PAYTOPROVIDERCITY Pay to Provider City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 PAYTOPROVIDERST Pay to Provider State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 PAYTOPROVIDERZIP Pay to Provider Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 PAYTOPROVIDERIDTYPE Pay to Provider ID Type Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 87 PAYTOPROVIDERIDCODE Pay to Provider ID Code Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Qualifier 87 PAYTOPROVIDERID Pay to Provider ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Qualifier 87 PRIMARYINSURANCETYPECODE Primary Insurance Type Code Location : SBR Segment, Element 5 Qualifier P SECONDARYINSURANCETYPECODE Secondary Insurance Type Code Location : SBR Segment, Element 5 Qualifier S TERTIARYINSURANCETYPECODE Tertiary Insurance Type Code Location : SBR Segment, Element 5 Qualifier T COBPAYERPAIDAMT Coordination of Benefits Payer Paid Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier D COBAPPROVEDAMT Coordination of Benefits Payer Approved Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier AAE COBPAYERALLOWEDAMT Coordination of Benefits Payer Allowed Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier B6 COBPATRESPONSE Coordination of Benefits Patient Responsibility Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier F2 COBCOVEREDAMT Coordination of Benefits Covered Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier AU COBDISCOUNTAMT Coordination of Benefits Discount Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier D8 COBPERDAYLIMIT Coordination of Benefits Per Day Limit Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier DY COBPATPAIDAMT Coordination of Benefits Patient Amount Paid Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier F5 COBTAX Coordination of Benefits Tax Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier T COBCLMTOTTAX Coordination of Benefits Claim Total Tax Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Qualifier T2 OIPAYERMEMNUM Other Insurance Payer Member Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier 1W OIPAYERCLINUM Other Insurance Payer Client Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier 23 OIPAYERPOLNUM Other Insurance Payer Policy Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier IG OIPAYERSSN Other Insurance Payer Social Security Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Qualifier SY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Institutional Service Line Level Fields 01 to 999 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ILINE01 IPROCTYPE01 IPROC01 IMODA01 IMODB01 IMODC01 IMODD01 IAMT01 IUNITSTYPE01 IUNITSQTY01 IUNITSRATE01 IUNITS01 IDOS01 NDCCODE01 NDCUNITPRICE01 NDCUNITS01 IADJUDDATE01 IADJUDID01 IADJUDAMT01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Professional Service Line Level Fields 01 to 99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PPROC01 MODA01 MODB01 MODC01 MODD01 DOS01 MM_DD_YY_DOSF01 MM_DD_YY_DOST01 AMT01 DDDDDD_CC01 POSLINECODE01 UNITS01 DXLINK01 SUPDXLINKA01 SUPDXLINKB01 SUPDXLINKC01 SUPDXLINKD01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dental Service Line Level Fields 01 to 99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DPROC01 DMODA01 DMODB01 DMODC01 DMODD01 DAMT01 TOOTHSURFACE TOOTH01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - General Service Line Level Fields - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LINEITEMCONTROLNUMBER01
Section 8
This is a list of the fields supported for mapping and are stored in an XML file called C1835.XML. Field names are placed inside the field tags of the xml. Example :CLAIMPATCTL CLAIMSTATUSCODE CLAIMTOTALCHARGE CLAIMTOTALPAID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SETCONTROLNUMBER Transaction Set Control Number Location : ST Segment, Element 2 CLAIMPATCTL Claim Patient Control Number Location : CLP Segment, Element 1 CLAIMSTATUSCODE Claim Staus Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 CLAIMSTATUSDESC Claim Status Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 CLAIMTOTALCHARGE Claim Total Charge Location : CLP Segment, Element 3 CLAIMTOTALPAID Claim Total Paid Location : CLP Segment, Element 4 PATRESPONSIBLE Patient Responsibility Location : CLP Segment, Element 5 FILIND Filing Indicator Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 FILINDDESC Filing Indicator Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 PAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 7 FACILITYTYPECODE Facility Type Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 PAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 CLAIMFREQ Claim Frequency Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 9 PATSTATCODE Patient Status Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 10 DRGCODE Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 11 DRGQTY Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Weight Location : CLP Segment, Element 12 DISCHGPCT Discharge Fraction Location : CLP Segment, Element 13 CLMADJGRPCODE Claim Adjustment Group Code Location : CAS Segment, Element 1 CLMADJGRPDESC Claim Adjustment Group Code Description Location : CAS Segment, Element 1 CLMADJCODE Location : CAS Segment, Element 2 Loop 2100 CLMADJAMT Location : CAS Segment, Element 3 Loop 2100 CLMADJQTY Location : CAS Segment, Element 4 Loop 2100 CLMADJCODEn Claim Adjustment Code 1 thru 99 n = 1 to 99 Location : CAS Segment, Element 2 CLMADJAMTn Claim Adjustment Amount 1 thru 99 n = 1 to 99 Location : CAS Segment, Element 3 CLMADJQTYn Claim Adjustment Quantity 1 thru 99 n = 1 to 99 Location : CAS Segment, Element 4 CLAIMDATEEXP Claim Expiration Date Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 036 CLAIMDATEREC Claim Date Received Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 050 CLAIMMSTATEMENTPERIODSTART Claim Statement Period Start Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 232 CLAIMMSTATEMENTPERIODEND Claim Statement Period End Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 233 TRANSHANDCODE Transaction Handling Code Location : BPR Segment, Element 1 TRANSTOTALPAYAMT Total Actual Provider Payment Amount Location : BPR Segment, Element 2 TRANSDC Transaction Type Credit/Debit Location : BPR Segment, Element 3 TRANSPAYMETHOD Transaction Payment Method Location : BPR Segment, Element 4 TRANSDATE Transaction Date Location : BPR Segment, Element 16 TRACEREFRENCEID Trace Reference Identification Location : TRN Segment, Element 4 TRACEREFID Trace Reference Identification Location : TRN Segment, Element 2 TRACEORGID Trace Originating Identifier Location : TRN Segment, Element 4 XOVERCARRIER CROSSOVER CARRIER NAME Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier TT PAYEEADID PAYEE ADDITIONAL IDENTIFICATION Location : REF Segment, Element 2 RECEIVERID Receiver ID Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier EV PRODDATE Production Date Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 405 PAYERNAME Payer Name Location : N1 Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier PR PAYERADDRESS1 Payer Address 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 PAYERADDRESS2 Payer Address 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 2 PAYERCITY Payer City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 PAYERSTATE Payer State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 PAYERZIPCODE Payer Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 PAYEEIDQUAL Payee ID Code Qualifier Location : N1 Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier PE PAYEEID Payee ID Code Qualifier Location : N1 Segment, Element 4 Element 1 Qualifier PE PAYEEADIDQUAL Payee ID Code Qualifier Location : N1 Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier PE PAYEEADID Payee Additional ID Code Location : REF Segment, Element 2 PAYEENAME Payee Name Location : N1 Segment, Element 2 PAYEEADDRESS1 Payee Address 1 Location : N3 Segment, Element 1 PAYEEADDRESS2 Payee Address 2 Location : N3 Segment, Element 3 PAYEECITY Payee City Location : N4 Segment, Element 1 PAYEESTATE Payee State Location : N4 Segment, Element 2 PAYEEZIPCODE Payee Zip Code Location : N4 Segment, Element 3 SERVICEPROVIDER Service Provider Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier 82 SERVICEPROVIDERID Service Provider Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Element 1 Qualifier 82 SERVICEPROVIDERIDQUAL Service Provider Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier 82 PRIMARYCLAIMPATCTL Claim Patient Control Number Location : CLP Segment, Element 1 PRIMARYCLAIMSTATUSCODE Claim Staus Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 PRIMARYCLAIMSTATUSDESC Claim Status Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 PRIMARYCLAIMTOTALCHARGE Claim Total Charge Location : CLP Segment, Element 3 PRIMARYCLAIMTOTALPAID Claim Total Paid Location : CLP Segment, Element 4 PRIMARYPATRESPONSIBLE Patient Responsibility Location : CLP Segment, Element 5 PRIMARYFILIND Filing Indicator Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 PRIMARYFILINDDESC Filing Indicator Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 PRIMARYPAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 7 PRIMARYFACILITYTYPECODE Facility Type Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 PRIMARYPAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 PRIMARYCLAIMFREQ Claim Frequency Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 9 PRIMARYPATSTATCODE Patient Status Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 10 PRIMARYDRGCODE Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 11 PRIMARYDRGQTY Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Weight Location : CLP Segment, Element 12 PRIMARYDISCHGPCT Discharge Fraction Location : CLP Segment, Element 13 SECONDARYCLAIMPATCTL Claim Patient Control Number Location : CLP Segment, Element 1 SECONDARYCLAIMSTATUSCODE Claim Staus Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 SECONDARYCLAIMSTATUSDESC Claim Status Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 SECONDARYCLAIMTOTALCHARGE Claim Total Charge Location : CLP Segment, Element 3 SECONDARYCLAIMTOTALPAID Claim Total Paid Location : CLP Segment, Element 4 SECONDARYPATRESPONSIBLE Patient Responsibility Location : CLP Segment, Element 5 SECONDARYFILIND Filing Indicator Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 SECONDARYFILINDDESC Filing Indicator Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 SECONDARYPAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 7 SECONDARYFACILITYTYPECODE Facility Type Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 SECONDARYPAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 SECONDARYCLAIMFREQ Claim Frequency Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 9 SECONDARYPATSTATCODE Patient Status Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 10 SECONDARYDRGCODE Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 11 SECONDARYDRGQTY Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Weight Location : CLP Segment, Element 12 SECONDARYDISCHGPCT Discharge Fraction Location : CLP Segment, Element 13 TERTIARYCLAIMPATCTL Claim Patient Control Number Location : CLP Segment, Element 1 TERTIARYCLAIMSTATUSCODE Claim Staus Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 TERTIARYCLAIMSTATUSDESC Claim Status Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 2 TERTIARYCLAIMTOTALCHARGE Claim Total Charge Location : CLP Segment, Element 3 TERTIARYCLAIMTOTALPAID Claim Total Paid Location : CLP Segment, Element 4 TERTIARYPATRESPONSIBLE Patient Responsibility Location : CLP Segment, Element 5 TERTIARYFILIND Filing Indicator Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 TERTIARYFILINDDESC Filing Indicator Description Location : CLP Segment, Element 6 TERTIARYPAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 7 TERTIARYFACILITYTYPECODE Facility Type Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 TERTIARYPAYERCLAIMCODE Payer Claim Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 8 TERTIARYCLAIMFREQ Claim Frequency Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 9 TERTIARYPATSTATCODE Patient Status Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 10 TERTIARYDRGCODE Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Code Location : CLP Segment, Element 11 TERTIARYDRGQTY Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Weight Location : CLP Segment, Element 12 TERTIARYDISCHGPCT Discharge Fraction Location : CLP Segment, Element 13 SUBFNAME Subscribers First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Element 1 Qualifier IL SUBLNAME Subscribers Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier IL SUBMI Subscribers Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Element 1 Qualifier IL SUBID Subscribers ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Element 1 Qualifier IL SUBIDQUAL Subscribers ID Qualifier Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Element 1 Qualifier IL PATFNAME Patient First Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 4 Element 1 Qualifier QC PATLNAME Patient Last Name Location : NM1 Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier QC PATMI Patient Middle Initial Location : NM1 Segment, Element 5 Element 1 Qualifier QC PATID Patient ID Location : NM1 Segment, Element 9 Element 1 Qualifier QC PATIDQUAL Patient ID Qualifier Location : NM1 Segment, Element 8 Element 1 Qualifier QC MEDICALRECORDIDNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Medical Record Identification Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier EA GROUPPOLICYNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Group or Policy Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1L MEMBERIDNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Member Identification Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1W REPRICECLAIMREFNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Repriced Claim Reference Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 9a ADJREPRICECLAIMREFNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Adjusted Repriced Claim Reference Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 9c EMPLOYEEIDNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Employee Identification Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier A6 AUTHORIZATIONNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Authorization Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier BB CLASSCONTRACTCODE OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Class of Contract Code Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier CE ORIGINALREFNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Original Reference Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier FB PRIORAUTHORIZATIONMUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Prior Authorization Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier G1 BENEFITIDNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Predetermination of Benefits Identification Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier G3 INSURANCEPOLICYNUMBER OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Insurance Policy Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier IG SSN OTHER CLAIM RELATED IDENTIFICATION Social Security Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier SY RENPROVBLUECROSSID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Blue Cross Provider Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1A RENPROVBLUESHIELDID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Blue Shield Provider Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1B RENPROVMEDICAREID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Medicare Provider Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1C RENPROVMEDICAIDID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Medicaid Provider Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1D RENPROVUPINID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION UPIN Provider Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1G RENPROVCHAMUSID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Champus Provider Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1H RENPROVFACILITYID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Facility Provider Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 1J RENPROVNPIID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Natioanl Provider ID Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier HPI RENPROVTAXID RENDERING PROVIDER INFORMATION Federal Tax ID Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier TJ CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALCA Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Covered - Actual Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier CA CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALCD Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Co-insured - Actual Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier CD CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALLA Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Life-time Reserve - Actual Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier LA CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALLE Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Life-time Reserve - Estimated Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier LE CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALNA Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Number of Non-covered Days Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier NA CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALNE Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Non-Covered - Estimated Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier NE CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALNR Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Not Replaced Blood Units Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier NR CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALOU Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Outlier Days Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier OU CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALPS Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Prescription Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier PS CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALVS Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Visits Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier VS CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALZK Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 1 Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier ZK CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALZL Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 2 Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier ZL CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALZM Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 3 Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier ZM CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALZN Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 4 Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier ZN CLAIMSUPPLEMENTALZO Claim Supplemental Quantity Information Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 5 Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier ZO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Service Line Level 01 to 99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DATEOFSERVICE01 Date of Service Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 472 PROCEDURE01 Procedure Location : SVC Segment, Element 1 Subvalue 2 PROCEDUREMODA01 Procedure Modifier Location : SVC Segment, Element 1 Subvalue 3 PROCEDUREMODB01 Procedure Modifier Location : SVC Segment, Element 1 Subvalue 4 PROCEDUREMODC01 Procedure Modifier Location : SVC Segment, Element 1 Subvalue 5 PROCEDUREMODD01 Procedure Modifier Location : SVC Segment, Element 1 Subvalue 6 PROCBILLEDAMT01 Procedure Billed Amount Location : SVC Segment, Element 2 PROCPAYAMT01 Procedure Paid Amount Location : SVC Segment, Element 3 PROCREVENUECODE01 Procedure Revenue Code Location : SVC Segment, Element 4 PROCUNITSPAID01 Procedure Units Paid Location : SVC Segment, Element 5 PROCUNITS01 Procedure Original Units Location : SVC Segment, Element 7 PROCEDUREDESCRIPTION Procedure Code Description Location : SVC Segment, Element 1 Subelement 7 PROCALLOWEDAMT01 Procedure Allowed Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier B6 PROCPERDAYLIMITAMT01 Procedure Per Day Limit Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier DY PROCDEDUCTIONAMT01 Procedure Deduction Amount Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier KH PROCNETBILLEDAMT01 Procedure Net Billed Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier NE PROCTAXAMT01 Procedure Tax Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier T PROCTOTALBEFORETAXESAMT01 Procedure Total Claim Before Taxes Location : AMT Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier T2 PROCPAYAMT01 Procedure Pay Amount Location : CAS Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier PR PROCDEDUCTAMT01 Procedure Deductable Amount Location : CAS Segment, Element 1 Element 1 Qualifier PR PROCCOINSAMT01 Procedure Coinsurance Amount Amount Location : CAS Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier PR PROCCOADJAMT01 Location : CAS Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier CO PROCPROTHERAM01 Location : CAS Segment, Element 2,5 Element 1 Qualifier PR PROCCOPAYAMT01 Location : CAS Segment, Element 3 Element 1 Qualifier PR SERVICEDATEFROM01 Service Date From Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 150 SERVICEDATETO01 Service Date From Location : DTM Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 151 PROCPRIORAUTHNUMBER01 Prior Auth Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier G1 PROCCTLNUMBER01 Procedur Line Control Number Location : REF Segment, Element 2 Element 1 Qualifier 6R PROCREMARKCODE01 Procedure Remark Code Location : LQ Segment, Element 1 Note: n = service line number s = segemet occurrence o = Occurrence of Field within a segement. Example : PROCADJCODE1.1 PROCADJCODE1.2 PROCADJCODE1.1.1 PROCADJCODE1.1.2 PROCADJCODE1.1.3 PROCADJGRPCODEn PROCADJGRPCODEn.s Procedure Adjustment Group Code Location : CAS Segment, Element 2 PROCADJCODEn PROCADJCODEn.s PROCADJCODEn.s.o Procedure Adjustment Code Location : CAS Segment, Element 3 PROCADJAMTn PROCADJAMTn.s PROCADJAMTn.s.o Procedure Adjustment Amount Location : CAS Segment, Element 4 PROCADJQTYn PROCADJQTYn.s PROCADJQTYn.s.o Procedure Adjustment quantity Location : CAS Segment, Element 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Provider Adjustment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROVADJREFID Provider Adjustment Provider Reference ID Location : PLB Segment, Element 1 PROVADJPERIOD Provider Adjustment Period Location : PLB Segment, Element 2 PROVADJRESONCODE1 Provider Adjustment Reason Code Location : PLB Segment, Element 3 SubValue 1 PROVADJREASONID1 Provider Adjustment Reason ID Location : PLB Segment, Element 3 SubValue 2 PROVADJAMT1 Provider Adjustment Amount Location : PLB Segment, Element 4 PROVADJRESONCODE2 Provider Adjustment Reason Code Location : PLB Segment, Element 5 SubValue 1 PROVADJREASONID2 Provider Adjustment Reason ID Location : PLB Segment, Element 5 SubValue 2 PROVADJAMT2 Provider Adjustment Amount Location : PLB Segment, Element 6 PROVADJRESONCODE3 Provider Adjustment Reason Code Location : PLB Segment, Element 7 SubValue 1 PROVADJREASONID3 Provider Adjustment Reason ID Location : PLB Segment, Element 7 SubValue 2 PROVADJAMT3 Provider Adjustment Amount Location : PLB Segment, Element 8 PROVADJRESONCODE4 Provider Adjustment Reason Code Location : PLB Segment, Element 9 SubValue 1 PROVADJREASONID4 Provider Adjustment Reason ID Location : PLB Segment, Element 9 SubValue 2 PROVADJAMT4 Provider Adjustment Amount Location : PLB Segment, Element 10 PROVADJRESONCODE5 Provider Adjustment Reason Code Location : PLB Segment, Element 11 SubValue 1 PROVADJREASONID5 Provider Adjustment Reason ID Location : PLB Segment, Element 11 SubValue 2 PROVADJAMT5 Provider Adjustment Amount Location : PLB Segment, Element 12 PROVADJRESONCODE6 Provider Adjustment Reason Code Location : PLB Segment, Element 13 SubValue 1 PROVADJREASONID6 Provider Adjustment Reason ID Location : PLB Segment, Element 13 SubValue 2 PROVADJAMT6 Provider Adjustment Amount Location : PLB Segment, Element 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Medicare Inpatient Adjudication - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIACOVDVC Covered Days or Visits Count Location : MIA Segment, Element 1 MIAOPOUTAMT PPS Operating Outlier Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 2 MIALIFPSYDAYS Lifetime Psychiatric Days Count Location : MIA Segment, Element 3 MIADRGAMT Claim DRG Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 4 MIAREMARK1 Remark Code Location : MIA Segment, Element 5 MIASHAREAMT Claim Disproportionate Share Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 6 MIAMSPPASSAMT Claim MSP Pass-through Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 7 MIAPPSCAPAMT Claim PPS Capital Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 8 MIAFSPDRGAMT PPS-Capital FSP DRG Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 9 MIAHSPDRGAMT PPS-Capital HSP DRG Amount 10 Location : MIA Segment, Element MIADHSDRGAMT PPS-Capital DSH DRG Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 11 MIAOLDCAPAMT Old Capital Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 12 MIAIMEAMT PPS-Capital IME amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 13 MIAOHSDRG PPS-Operating Hospital Specific DRG Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 14 MIACOSTRPTDATCNT Cost Report Day Count Location : MIA Segment, Element 15 MIAOFSDRG PPS-Operating Federal Specific DRG Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 16 MIAPPSCAPOUTAMT Claim PPS Capital Outlier Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 17 MIAINDTEACHAMT Claim Indirect Teaching Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 18 MIANONPAYPROAMT Nonpayable Professional Component Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 19 MIAREMARK2 Remark Code Location : MIA Segment, Element 20 MIAREMARK3 Remark Code Location : MIA Segment, Element 21 MIAREMARK4 Remark Code Location : MIA Segment, Element 22 MIAREMARK5 Remark Code Location : MIA Segment, Element 23 MIACAPEXCPAMT PPS-Capital Exception Amount Location : MIA Segment, Element 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Medicare Outpatient Adjudication - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOAPERCENT Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Percent Location : MOA Segment, Element 1 MOAMOUNTPAYABLE" Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Amount Location : MOA Segment, Element 2 MOAREMARK1 Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Remark 1 Location : MOA Segment, Element 3 MOAREMARK2 Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Remark 2 Location : MOA Segment, Element 4 MOAREMARK3 Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Remark 3 Location : MOA Segment, Element 5 MOAREMARK4 Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Remark 4 Location : MOA Segment, Element 6 MOAREMARK5 Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Remark 5 Location : MOA Segment, Element 7 MOAPAYMENT Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Payment Amount Location : MOA Segment, Element 8 MOANONPAYABLE Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Non Payable Amount Location : MOA Segment, Element 9